Your use of this site is bound by our Terms and Conditions. Your continued use means that you agree to the current version of the Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are updated from time to time. It is your responsibility to check back here to ensure you are familiar with the current version. We will attempt to notify you via a message or a post when changes occur. You can find updates and information on our main site in the new --> updates section.
here are a few of the main bullet points for easy reading.
1) Your Real Name must be used to sign up and cannot be changed.
2) Your username should not be offensive to anyone.
3) Your Real Date of Birth must be used in order to protect children. (We may require proof of age now or in the future)
4) Any false information in your profile will result in immediate suspension and possible deletion.
5) We do not tolerate bullying of any sort on this site.
6) We do not tolerate any of the -isms on our site.
7) Your are entitled to "free speech", not hate or offensive speech.
8) The site administrators word is final.
We encourage parents of minors to join as well and to be active in helping their children to learn about social media.
This site is intended to be a safe place for our children to be, anything that goes again that principal will be dealt with promptly and may result in suspension of membership and or a complete ban.
This site is still in Beta mode and so the terms and conditions will change more frequently. You shoudl check back often to ensure you are familiar wiht the changes.
As this site is in beta, you acnowledge that any content you place on here could be lost or deleted without notice, either intentially or unintentially, accidentally or for any other reason.